Tuesday, June 11, 2013

E3 Live Blog Day 1 Stage 2 Coverage


12:00 - Killzone: Shadow Fall Skylanders SWAP Force
13:00 - Deus Ex
14:00 - The Bureau: XCom Declassified Game Crib: Team SoloMid (Best or worst show NA?)
15:00 - Warframe
16:00 - Disney Infinity

Click on Read More to see the Live Updates on Stage 2.

 1152: Waiting on Killzone Coverage to start on Stage 2. Right afterwards will be Skylanders SWAP Force it looks like. Keep following to see the latest on this.

1201: We are rolling. We also have people on the floor to ask questions you might have. SO let us know and we will send our team over to them.

1203: Killzone: We are taking a look at Killzone. What is being shown today is a quick play of the game. It's look is very nice. Some of the new stuff it looks like is the moving and bobbing of a natural persons stride.
1204: Your interaction with the screen in terms of useability is greater and better focused on the gameplay and it's environment.
1205: Objectives are confirmed as being able to be done in any order you wish, meaning greater freedom in gameplay.
1207: Controls no longer weight heavy, the play is fast and more intuitive.
1208: A little more in character customization dynamics. Which is welcome so you diversify your characters more.
1209: There's alot of talk about how much Killzone crew likes working with the PS4 and how the partnership is really benefiting them.
1210-11: You have an attack drone you can use. Looking at the UI, it's a see through and well based system. It's not interfering with your line of sight. You can use a shield and you can use a bullet time like adrenaline mode. Looks very good.
1212: Crew and squad interactions are also in the game it seems, which mean prob more escort missions at some part.
1212: Name taken from the fact they love the Shadow Marshall gameplay and the feel and thought it suited game very well.
1213-15: The visuals have gone a different direction but it looks very fluid and smooth. The total overall feel of the game is dark, but the team decided to cast the difference in colors that are very vivid and lighting choices to compliment that, using the PS4's hardware very well.
1216: I notice that even though the world looks very wide and open, it still seems like you are walking down a hallway.
1216: No word yet on multiplayer till now.
1217: Still not talking yet on it though, so looks like they won't till we get closer to launch.
1217-19: Talking about whether he likes used party sales as a first pub. He seems like he has no problem, but is walking a fine line in his wording.
1219: Also walking a fine line on commenting whether or not he thinks Sony has won over the gamers better than Microsoft.
1220: Talking about HD settings. Renders in 60 FPS and 1080p HD.
1221: Story doesn't require previous gameplay on older titles of Killzone. Dev is not really commenting the game much more. Also, the companion is called the OWL.
1222: Now waiting on Skylanders.
1228: We lost Internet connection for less than one minute. Sorry.
1233: Skylanders setting up now. We have a person in route to Nintendo booth as well to give the lastest update from Nintendo and SSB.
1243: We are standing by for Skylanders. Also, our corespondent has reached Nintendo. Will have more later.

1249: Skylanders SWAP Force: Now onto Skylanders SWAP Force.
1249: So, you can fully Swap the pieces of the figures and it'll apply into the game environment.
1251: Skylanders SWAP Force will be on all 7 consoles.
1251: Getting a look at a limited figures for Skylanders. Looking awesome. As well as they have a figure Color Shift Hotdog.
1252: Skylanders SWAP supports all figures from the previous games. Including GIANTS.
1253: You can actually earn upgrades and any ones from before all transfer into SWAP.
1254: New game comes with new portal and 2 new figures and a new stealth elf with ninja gear. 74.99 aval Oct.
1255-56: Gameplay resembles older gen. The story is the SWAP force guard the mountain that emmits the magic and something goes wrong. And the more you mix and match the characters stuff you can actually affect the gameplay.
1257: Drop in and drop out Co-Op. Thru the entire gameplay story.
1258: Dev with parents to drop in and drop out in mind this time so it's easier for anyone to play and to drop in and drop out.
1259: Skylanders looks amazing though even though it does look a bit on the last gen side. But that could be that they are playing it on a 360 and not a PS4 or XBO.
1300-02: SWAP Designed to have alot of replayability so that there's alot a kid can have the maxium replay they want and the entertainment value. There's also PVP and Battle arena mode.
1303: Whatever info was saved onto the figure, it does transfer fully over from the last titles.
1304: It encourages kids to really interact with each other and they can swap parts and really use the dynamics of the game to the advantage of the players.
1305: There's well over 100 possibilities of combos and attributes you can apply towards the characters.
1306-07: Talking about XBO no used games and no commented out on the subject. Wishing the question would stopped being posed. No matter what, as long as you have the figure, you will always have it's data stored on it.
1307: Now waiting on Deus Ex.
1310: Spyro will be back in the new Skylanders. Also, there will be news coming on SSB from E3 soon to us.
1311: Waiting on Deus Ex presentation.

1326: Deus Ex: Now talking about DXHR on WiiU.
1327-28: The game doesn't look all that stunning on the screen, but the inventory on the gamepad is kinda cool. Though, there is no game pausing while in the inventory screen on the gamepad.
1328-29: For right now, there's only small differences inbetween the original graphic and then new WiiU graphics. There are better shadows and better laser phys.
1329: You can mark locations on map on the gamepad.
1330: You can use the gamepad to also to get data on your enemies.
1331: Took and made the game a bit longer, did a bit more polishing, and new features like info log. You can take notes and recorded voice to give friends info into the game. It does not disturb gameplay though at all.
1332-34: There's also things like dev commentary in the game. Kinda a really useless features. But there is a strategy guide been built into the game you can bring up, as well you can play only on the gamepad as well. Directors cut will be on PC, WiiU, and Mac.
1334: No real word or look like want to bring the directors cut onto the nextgen consoles.
1337: They are now trying to lessen the impact on non action oriented players, but there's not much else talking or touching more on the features they are featuring in this cut of the game.
1338: There's really not much more to touch on the game other then it has a few new areas, a bit longer in gameplay, and not much else.
1339-41: We are now waiting on The Bureau: XCOM Declassified. But one more note on DXHR, the game looks quite good but, it's just an beefed up port. Which is not what they are saying it is. The only one that is truly different from the original that doesn't have a bandaid on it is the WiiU version, but I don't think that's enough to really draw people to the WiiU on this title alone.
1352: Updating a bit more on the game, there's a few more features shown, but all in all the game is the same Human Revolution you know and love. It does have a bit more intense hacking in it, so that's happening. But we are still waiting on the next Deus Ex game. But, they are hard selling that mobile game. Which we got a look at, but it's not really noteworthy to us and we needed the downtime to heal the party.
1353: Wrapping up DXHR, waiting on The Bureau: XCOM Declassified.

1304: The Bureau: We are now on The Bureau.
1306: There was alot of work put into the game and was focused really hard and lots put into gameplay and story.
1307-08: Right off the bat it looks in visuals like the game release in 2010. There's alot of story in reference back to the 1960's told right out to the start of XCOM with the first alien attack.
1309: There's alot of tactical combat in the game that has been very refined into the game. It looks very smooth in managing your squad. Squad combat looks nice.
1310-11: If you die as our main character, Carter, then it will end the mission you have to keep yourself alive. You will not spawn in as another in your squad. But, you have to have good team management as they have gave the aliens the numerical and tech advantage.
1312: The enemies look like they don't come in waves, it is constant combat. And the action is forced to make you use wise decision making skills in combat operations. So this is truely a good tactical combat squad v squad game.
1313: XP and rank up at the same time it seems.
1315: "It's all canon." So they shape the story to help drive the XCOM story and canon.
1316-17: The story will close in the game to a nice ending that wraps it all up so there's not many holes. Though the player will have some effect on it as well.
1317: The game is designed to lure new fans in and get them hooked and get them to play the older games.
1318: They are happy that the game is getting some love and that there is a massive interest in the XCOM franc coming back to the fore front.
1319: Dev happy that the story doesn't lead the player along.
1320: Team management is a function that you can utl between primary and secondary missions. Happens at XCOM HQ. Plus there are missions you can do in the HQ itself as well.
1321: Focus is on single player, not multiplayer.
1322: We are now waiting on The Crib. But XCOM does look like a solid title that is a welcome addition in my opinion. So I look forward to the game and it doesn't cut ties to it's core material.
1329: There's one point they touched on in the rambling they are doing now, and that is if Carter drops, you can't get up yourself, you will need a squad mate to help. XCOM on Aug 20, 360, PC, PS3
1331: Gameplay time est at 12 hours.
1332: The Crib is up next.
1437: Futabot here. Time to get you guys the down low on some REAL ESPORTS. NO YORDLES ALLOWED. THEY ARE VILE CREATURES.

1438: TSM hasn't seen this footage yet either. I wonder if we'll get reaction faces. For those unaware, Team SoloMid is the best League of Legends North America team and they have a reality show. This is their interview, reflecting on the experience of having an entire season filled with drama and success behind them.
1456: Regi describes the middle of no where that was sustained by Costco. They moved to San Fran. They discovered people, but then they realized that it made them suck horribly. San Jose. Xspecial digs the weather. Dyrus got fatter. 7-11 confirmed for life saver. Wild Turtle's smile brighter than the screen.
14:58 XSPECIAL SPEAK UP DAWG. They tried to avoid saying stupid stuff. These guys getting used to being anal probed by video cameras while trying not to suck. They reveal how boring their scrims were.
1459: OddOne isn't allowed to crack jokes in practice.
1500: Girlfriends hated cameras. Oh my god, holy shit, they're all hot.
1501: TSM has discovered that they have adapted to the rigors of MTV. They pause with heavy, pregnant silence before answering that people liked them, apparently. Of course you're going to say its positive.
1503: OddOne clarifies that Chaox's kick was serious business. Also, Regi laughs heartily at the notion of kicking someone on the show. Regi doesn't know about wrestling drama being the way it is.
1505: The truth is they didn't fit all of the goddamn drama with Chaox in the show.
1506: You can feel Regi's tears pouring out. Crocodile tears.
1507: How hi-brow is this show? Xspecial tells us that he was a scumbag because gamecrib edited some footage of conversations. Dyrus looks kawaii as ever as he reaches gently for the mic. Uguuuuu~
1508: "He pretends not to be sad..." We probe into Xspecial's delicate psyche, easily disrupted by the slightest gestures of mistrust. Mutiny boils underneath the surface of the team.
1509: What's it like to capture firing Chaox for the first time in your life. Actually, the first firing ever? Regi dives into the struggle against guilt-induced insomnia, lack of preparation and other things that you can't currently show because we don't have a mind-reading device yet.
1511: Dyrus gets the spotlight. Remember the episode when he shows his visceral rage in a Vi's powerful E punch.
1512: In all seriousness though, this show is basically The Real World with awkward shy people we love. The formula's okay, but this whole interview is an eSports circlejerk. It should never change.
1513: We discover that not taking out the trash elicits a motherly response from Mama-Reggie.
1514: Dadyrus gently blamed for the furious rage that billows out of Dyrus at rare occasions. It manifests in self-implosion or beating Curse.
1515: WildTurtle, "Sure." OddOne: "It's like an ult."
1516: Wild Turtle may very well turn into a turtle without constant energy injected into him. In general, this interview is very standard TSM interview status. Wild Turtle reveals that he is, in fact, a Turtle.
1517: Showing a clip of the show of a Meet and Greet. Sheila is hot as hell. We are reminded that you can get laid by being good in League. Xspecial denies the sexual tension by shying away from the inevitable lust burning through Sheila's lecherous gaze.
1519: TSM talks about how everyone sucks in NA except Curse. C9 gets trash talked on. We might as well be talking about Sirens right now. "Has any other team taken first in NA in the last 3 years?" Hell, I don't really remember.
1520: Regi laughs his poor ass off as TheOddOne craps all over every other losing team in his delicious monotone delivery. Regi attributes some of the success of NA champs to GameCribs. Season 2, they look forward to try to take on worlds, upon which we will laugh at them as Korean B-teams shit all over them.
1521: "We came out of our shell." WildTurtle gently waggles his finger in his general direction. We giggle happily.
1522: GameCribs Season 2 is not set in stone yet, so hit up everyone to make sure that they try it again!

1533: Warframe. Talking about getting Sony's attention, getting dev kits out of them and now they're working both on PC and PS4.
1534: "Do you want me to set it up? This is a trailer." Haha. I like the cut of Warframe's dev jibe.
1535: Some story bits. Do you really play Warframe for story?  Some story scenes. Has a decidedly Star Wars cinematic feel to it.
1538: Aliens have a bad tendency to wake up people that can kill them with ninja moves. Anyway, more CG and technoninja coolness.
1540: Spoiler alert, the guy they killed isn't dead.
1541: Press X to Ninja. The game looks very similar to the trailer, actually. It's quite cool. Either way, it's a multiplayer death match coop game, Ability slots/upgrades. You can play coop with yourself. Seems very action RPGish.
1543: Instead of PvP centric free to play, they're trying their hand at PvE centric free to play.
1544: Dev wants to have the business model to be identical on the PS4, This game is definitely a MMO. The developer is aware of the buzzwords and, for the most part, seems in tune with it. Basically, this game looks like it crushes Vindictus.
1546: Control options might be in the future to prevent offspring from spending all of your money on a console.
1548: Procedural level generation in this game, ala Diablo.
1549: Dojo building is basically the Foundry from games like Neverwinter or Star Trek Online. Looks great. This game seems way better than Neverwinter in terms of flash and fluidity.
1550: PC/PS4 cross platform? Devs want it, but Sony probably won't allow it. Transfers might be offered to compensate..
1551: Warframe might use the touch pad.
1552: Hype over the new triggers on the PS4 as well as the touch pad. Gives it high praise,
1553: Warframe isn't 100% sure if you need Playstation Plus, but the game is free to play no matter what.

1611: Disney Infinity: And here we go.
1611: Game works alot like Skylanders. Aval at release, Pirates, Cars, Monsters, Incredibles.
1612: Lone Ranger from the new film featured in the game as well.
1613: LR playset not aval in starter.
1613-14: Playset is an open world game inside at you can playthrough.
1614: Getting a good look at game play and it looks awesome.
1615: We are looking at the Lone Ranger world and watching them go through a level in it.
1615: All playsets are there own story.
1616: There's alot in these playsets that you can interact with. And it'll help you and help you get your world set.
1617: Been in dev and testing for a while.
1617: Aug launch.
1617: Devs are excited at the reaction from kids playing the game.
1618: All Disney approved character actors and voice actors.
1619: Toybox mode lets you build your own world and it logix links the toys so you can bring othr toys from sets over into this toybox.
1620: You can spend alot of time in each playset. Again like the insist on 10 to 20 hours play in each alone.
1621: Can you play online? Yep. 
1621: So it comes with these pog things, that act as money in the playset or toybox.
1622: They bring you in special items and uses stuff.
1623: The game is out in august yet they are giving out the figures now at E3??
1624: So, the game has alot of hype now. And now we get a look at the virtual toys inside the game.
1625: So, there's not a whole like of crossover in the playset. But, it's done for the pure Disney fans like that.
1626: So we get a look at the train set in the game. And the environment is pretty big actually and surprisingly.
1627: We get a look at train customization that enables more world exploration.
1627: 4 player online play.
1628: So, you can literally pick up a woman... Literally.
1629: There's alot of customization here. We are pressing that word home here..
1630-31: They have been working on the game for while and they actually aquired this game from the studio after it had been started, but they reworked it and explanded it and created this beautiful idea that is a very open world and customized to this world of Disney.
1631: We move onto the Incredibles.
1632: Talking about the look of the characters. So they came up with a design that balanced out the look of characters by insisting on the toy look.
1633: The Incredibles world looks awesome and it's a very visual appealing game. The fact that the voices are there and the look is there makes this a great game.
1634: Talking about achievements. They'll be built out as they work.
1635: Will be aval on all current gen consoles this summer.
1635: The figures work the same as Skylanders.
1636: They are talking about the story of Incredibles in this game. It is unique as Syndrome breaks out 3 villains and now the Incredibles have to fight them.
1637: This game is E of course.
1637: Each character has their own powers as you'd expect.
1638: Each playset's environment is to it's world set.
1639: You truly play the game as you want to with the characters in that world.
1640: 2 players co-op can use the same character at the same time.
1640: The Devs would like the property to carry on for as long as they can. And have the Disney library to work with.
1641: Now we look at the Toybox.
1642: The toybox is a fully open environment that you can build out in there.
1643: Properties include ESPN, the Parks, Resorts, and ect.
1644: You can visit toybox to toybox and you can have 99 toyboxes on yours alone. You can also submit it to Disney, it will be shown online and be allowed to be downloaded.
1645: And again, the toys can go from one system to another, yet you can also cloud save the world and you can download it back again you own system so you can play it no matter what on system.
1645: And we are done.

Stage 2 is wrapped for us for the day. Stay tuned to Stage One for more. Thanks for viewing Stage 2.

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