Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cody's Bad ASS VLOG coming soon!

Hey, just thought I'd let you all know, that Cody's new VLOG, entitled Cody's Bad ASS VLOG will be coming soon, so stay tuned!

Monday, August 22, 2011


We're starting something new here...

We have decided to start a new feature here on WTFAnime. We are starting a vLog. Several are starting, but we are mostly concentrating on our show primarily. But the other 2 shows are probably gonna start their own. This is our way of making sure there is now a constant stream of content brought to you. We thank you all so much for hanging in their while we've been having our issues. More to come and stand by!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Deadlines, Deadlines

Working on the show this season has proven most stressful. But to all, I say this: WE HAVE CODY AND ARE FILMING THIS WEEK! WOOT! So be ready WTFAnime fans, we are on our way!


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Slow and steady, or "How my computer went to shit."

So, you all were tots for season 2? Well, enter problem number one for this season. HAL9000, my computer which for the last couple of years has pushed ahead of my friends' computers and almost out lasted my computer before it ALICE 1.2.2 (yes, I used a numeric upgrade system for her) died last week. Leaving me completely dead in the water for a while. Now, I'm using my Mac as my main computer and have restored HAL to a state of sorts. Think of him as a home server or, in this case, as a giant flash-drive. But, ah, things are not all that simple.

Because of the sudden crash and death, when I restored the data, not all of it was there. Even my recovery programs couldn't find all of it. So, out of 2tb's of information, only 900 gigs remain. A serious problem when we are talking about a show whose primary video can take 7 gigs alone of data. Then, when edited it usually is around 13 to 20 gigs. (This is what happens when you film in HD people.) But, more to the point, the entire show has ground to halt until I can somehow get the data back on track. This means, yes, a later start.

But WAIT! There's hope for all this yet! You see, our new show, Zarus (as it's now been completely shortened down to our hosts name), has his video source with HIM! So, there, by mid-month or so, we can only hope to have at least some start.

Speaking of Zarus, he's going to be filling in for Cody till he can come and fill in his role on the show. You see, we've hit that point in the filming timeline that we must start and can't wait for anymore delays. So, he'll carry the torch for as long as he can till Cody returns. And in other co-host news, David will be making a cameo this season, so the other original co-host will be seen for what I can only give away as a treat!

Lastly, we have gotten back on track with how to handle a panel in-so-much as it's needed. I've also gotten some surprises on my recent ventures into the outside world when not trapped at home or work. Or trapped at school working on art projects with insane deadlines for someone who has a life to balance... But, I must move forward as hanging onto these strange and irrational frustrations will only endanger my work. My salvation is in this project really, cause I love WTFA and really don't want to endanger our work.

In final news, as this season nears it's end sometime around July hopefully, we will be expanding our reviews to movies as well. So far, what we have planned is only in writing and looks like they will be written reviews by us here on the site, but it's progress in a fashion you can see. Those of you who view this site and don't click the follow us button, please start! We need that counter to go up or we aren't that findable on Google! So CLICK! CLICK NOW!!

Anyways, I have to log as my Jeep has to go in in the morning for servicing and I'm tired. Laterz guys and gals!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A quick tide you over: My Thoughts On Ponyo

So, I thought I'd do a quickie article to tide people over. I recently watched Ponyo on HBO OnDemand. I figured that it might be good, cause Disney has never really let me down before...

Oh dear god was I wrong. Dead wrong. Nightmares will haunt me from this film. It was a slow and very painful watching. And this is a veteran of bad animes. My point for this one is, why? Why does it exist? Let's break it down, starting with:

Hello? 1970's? Yea, I found your animation style. It's being resurrected from it's grave by a studio that gave us other works of art. Beautiful works. But now, here's a shining example of a work of art that earned it's death. Not only was it totally annoying to watch, it makes it difficult to like the look of any character. Take for example:

This is Ponyo's... dad... I guess... Yea. The 1960's were a strange time? Yea. This is the animation style you can look forward to. There was one, one good character model. AND SHE WAS GONE FOR HALF THE DAMN TIME! And that would be the boy's mom:

Too bad. What a waste. Also, no more pictures from the movie. They give me horrible, horrible nightmare.

Next is Story:

One word. No. No is the point of this story. The point of this story is boy meets fish, fish turns human, fish becomes full human on the basis that the boy will love fish girl forever. In real life THIS WOULD NEVER WORK. Here's a summary of what happened the following year, boy hate girl and regrets agreeing to spend the rest of his life with her. But at least the world was spared, I guess. Fucking story suckass.
It has no real good idea of what the hell is going on. It's a story that only would make sense to a stoner...

Bad animation.
Poorly Developed Characters (yea, we glanced over this one cause this is a quickie and I'll do this more indepth in a video mid Feb)
Horrible story...

It all makes sense. They made this movie for people on drugs. This wasn't meant for kids. This was meant for stoners and people coked up to all hell. It now all makes sense. So much sense.

Well, that basically leaves this to summary: Never watch this. Don't. Spare yourself. It's not cute, it's not kid friendly (dad of the boy is left to die at sea and no one seems to care much. Instead we think little Ponyo is more important. Fuck that bitch), and it's not worth watching. Leave the piece of trash in the 5 dollar bin at Walmart, it's a grave it deserves. I'll go back to watching good animes for a while. God knows I need a mouth rinse.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

For the last time...

No, we will not post our videos to YouTube. Those who keep sending me messages asking, the answer is NO.


Sunday, January 16, 2011